TMT Airborne Contest
The Modding Theater will be giving away copies of the new Medal of Honor Airborne, but there’s a catch…. we’re going to have a contest. The number of games to be given out has yet to be determined, and I’ll follow up with that number as soon as I find out more information.
Being that we are creative minds here at TMT, this contest should result in some interesting things. What you need to do is build a Rube Goldberg device. Half of you are now saying – WHAT is that? Well here are a few answers. Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist who drew complex machines to do mundane things. The official website can be found here and the wiki here. Think of the game MouseTrap you played with as a kid, that is an example of an R.G. device. This film is from a Japanese children’s show that at the start, end, and commercial breaks they play an R.G. contraption. This should give you some ideas of your own. But with every contest there are rules:
It must work (we will require video footage of it in action)
It must be at least 15 steps/actions long
R.G. devices are built to do a simple goal, your goal has to be something game oriented or computer oriented. I’m keeping it generalized like that to generate more creativity (a device that presses Ctrl-Alt-Delete twice and shuts down the pc will be much more impressive to the staff than one that just moves a mouse – see tip one below).
No Animals or other creatures – plants – family – or what ever can be used, I don’t want to see an electrocuted gerbil running like mad to pull a crank!
TMT, the staff, and especially me take no responsibility for you causing damage to anything or burning your house down trying to build one of these. You are doing it of your own accord and the responsibility to be careful and smart is on your end.
The contest will end the day of Airborne’s release… which is so far unknown, but that gives you plenty of time to build it.
Now some tips:
The staff will be voting on the top devices, so be creative and fun with it.
Complex does not equal better, remember it has to work. Don’t spend $$$ doing it, there are plenty of house hold items that can easily be used to create this, just takes some imagination. If you are going to spend cash, remember the return is only a $49.99 game that you may or may not win. So best to stay on the cheap side and use your head. Any questions can be posted here or IMed to me. Have fun! — (e)DS