Debug mode for quick identification of problems
Debug mode – is a technical information log, recorder during the anti-cheat start up. It reveals the errors’ reasons. To enable this mode, run the anti-cheat with a special label called “Debug Mode”. The information will be recorded into a file ucp.dbg, which can be opened with a simple notepad. For games MU Online, Ragnarok Online, Gunz Online and does not provide such a label, so you need to run ucp.exe with the “*”. There are 3 ways for this run.
- Create a file ucp.bat in the root directory of the game (where ucp.exe), open through the usual notepad, write there “ucp.exe *” without the quotes, save and run.
- Create a shortcut anticheat (ucp.exe), open the properties of the shortcut, and a string “Object“, appends to the end of the line through the gap parameter “*“, then click “Apply” and run this label.
- Go to the menu “Start“, then “Run..“, write there the full path to the main file of the anti-cheat (ucp.exe), through a gap put option “*” and press Enter, example C:\MuOnline\ucp.exe +