Project Closed
Soon 7 years old project “UCP-Anticheat” and the story ends. Those wishing to purchase the project can send their proposals to email ucp-anticheat dog hotmail dot com. Forum will be read-only. I thank everyone who helped to develop anti-cheat: Mongol, Budoraga, NopNop, Steve, Ganchev, Indy, Godzilla, DJ_WEST, Serega, Sh@rk, Ares, Racoon, Den4eG, Mishel`ka, Coolman, Psyhopate, 0wn3r, Axotnik, Tnav, Rodgerland, Gamer CSS, qpAHToMAS, Predatorex, Forslay, Trojan-Pro, N&K. Thank you very much!