CSGO: Untrusted and external cheat
This is like my 10th account getting banned by untrusted…even lost a bayonet knife because of this. On the acc I lost knife I was only using a cheat called polybhop which is somewhere on this forum…BHOP causing ut?
I have been using an external cheat on all of the account the cheat includes
glowesp,radar,noflash,triggerbot and bunnyhop, because I’m using an external cheat I just don’t understand how untrusted works anymore.
My external is an .exe and does not need an injector and the cheat uses rpm/wpm. I highly suspected the triggerbot to be the issue in the past which I used to use mouse_event for now it’s wpm, and that’s because everytime I was about to shoot with the triggerbot I got untrusted ban.
Right now I got untrusted as well few minutes ago.
I only used radar,triggerbot,bunnyhop so I might as well suspect one of those feature.
so basically bhop is normal as usual no need to post source for that
here is triggerbot and radar code
void radar
while (true)
if (detectedornot)
for (int r = 0; r < 64; r++) {
CUrrentplayeR = unknowncheats.Read(Client + EntityList + ((r - 1) * 16));
nevervac = unknowncheats.Read(currentplayer + isDormant);
float newtextdocument = unknowncheats.Read(currentplayer + mbSpotted);
if (!newtextdocument && !nevervac) {
unknowncheats.Write(currentplayer + m_bSpotted, 1);
return 0;
void gettriggeredbot
while (true)
if (notordetected)
CrosshaiR = unknowncheats.Read(LocalBase + miCrossHairID);
EntitY = triggered.Read(Client + EntityList + ((crosshair - 1) * 16));
TeaM = 2sdks?.Read(tEntity + miTeamNum);
if (crosshair > 0 && crosshair <= 64 && tTeam != MyTeam)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UNKNOWNCHEATS_TRIGGER_button) & 0x8000) {
unknowncheats.Write(Client + attack, 5);
unknowncheats.Write(Client + attack, 4);
return 0;
Still trying to know what’s causing untrusted 🙂