CSGO Auto Wall Fix
For those who are having trouble fixing autowall…
Update the following structs
c+p below
struct surfacephysicsparams_t
float friction;
float elasticity;
float density;
float thickness;
float dampening;
struct surfaceaudioparams_t
float reflectivity; // like elasticity, but how much sound should be reflected by this surface
float hardnessFactor; // like elasticity, but only affects impact sound choices
float roughnessFactor; // like friction, but only affects scrape sound choices
float roughThreshold; // surface roughness > this causes "rough" scrapes, < this causes "smooth" scrapes
float hardThreshold; // surface hardness > this causes "hard" impacts, < this causes "soft" impacts
float hardVelocityThreshold; // collision velocity > this causes "hard" impacts, < this causes "soft" impacts float highPitchOcclusion; //a value betweeen 0 and 100 where 0 is not occluded at all and 100 is silent (except for any additional reflected sound)
float midPitchOcclusion;
float lowPitchOcclusion;
struct surfacesoundnames_t
unsigned short walkStepLeft;
unsigned short walkStepRight;
unsigned short runStepLeft;
unsigned short runStepRight;
unsigned short impactSoft;
unsigned short impactHard;
unsigned short scrapeSmooth;
unsigned short scrapeRough;
unsigned short bulletImpact;
unsigned short rolling;
unsigned short breakSound;
unsigned short strainSound;
struct surfacegameprops_t
float maxSpeedFactor;
float jumpFactor; char pad00[0x4]; float flPenetrationModifier; float flDamageModifier; unsigned short material; byte climbable;
char pad01[0x3];
struct surfacedata_t
surfacephysicsparams_t physics;
surfaceaudioparams_t audio;
surfacesoundnames_t sounds;
surfacegameprops_t game;
class IPhysicsSurfaceProps
surfacedata_t *GetSurfaceData(int surfaceDataIndex)
typedef surfacedata_t*(__thiscall* fnGetSurfaceData)(void*, int);
return call_vfunc(this, 5)(this, surfaceDataIndex);