Official site anti-cheat Ultra Core Protector

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Ultra Core Protector - is the client-server anti-cheat freeware, for server protection from unscrupulous players.

Abilities Supported games  
Condition Zero
Counter-Strike 1.6
Day of Defeat
Adrenaline Gamer
Team Fortress Classic
Counter-Strike Source
MU Online
Ragnarok Online
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Adrenaline Gamer 2
Team Fortress 2
CS 1.6 horrible “autostrafer”

1) no loose speed on turns
2) work good on any aa (sv_airaccelerate)
3) fully invisible (dunno why u use viewangles, if you already strafing with sidemove and forwardmove)
4) work on any direction (also have auto direction)

Btw, author of algorithm is Terazoid. In another thing its just basic physics.

P.S. Sorry for bad English

rc(strafe_dir, "strafe_dir", "1");
rc(strafe_speed, "strafe_speed", "69.0");
rc(strafe_fps, "strafe_fps", "1");
rc(strafe_fastrun, "strafe_fastrun", "1");
rc(strafe_sidemove, "strafe_sidemove", "437.8928");
rc(strafe_angle, "strafe_angle", "30.0");

void StrafeHack(float frametime, struct usercmd_s *cmd)
if(func.bStrafe && !(g_Local.ppmove->flags & FL_ONGROUND) && (g_Local.ppmove->movetype != 5) && !g_Local.bSlowDown)
float dir = 0.0f;

int dir_value = cvar.strafe_dir->value;

if(dir_value == 1)dir = 0 * M_PI / 180.0f;
else if(dir_value == 2) dir = 90 * M_PI / 180.0f;
else if(dir_value == 3) dir = 180 * M_PI / 180.0f;
else if(dir_value == 4) dir = -90 * M_PI / 180.0f;

if(g_Local.fSpeed < 15.0f) { if(cmd->buttons&IN_FORWARD)
cmd->forwardmove = 900;
cmd->sidemove = -900;
else if(cmd->buttons&IN_MOVERIGHT)
cmd->forwardmove = 900;
cmd->sidemove = 900;
cmd->forwardmove = 900;
else if(cmd->buttons&IN_BACK)
cmd->forwardmove = -900;
cmd->sidemove = -900;
else if(cmd->buttons&IN_MOVERIGHT)
cmd->forwardmove = -900;
cmd->sidemove = 900;
cmd->forwardmove = -900;
else if(cmd->buttons&IN_MOVELEFT)
cmd->sidemove = -900;
else if(cmd->buttons&IN_MOVERIGHT)
cmd->sidemove = 900;
cmd->forwardmove = 900;
float va_speed = atan2(g_Local.ppmove->velocity.y, g_Local.ppmove->velocity.x);

float va[3] = {};

float adif = va_speed - va[1] * M_PI / 180.0f - dir;

adif = sin(adif);
adif = atan2(adif, sqrt(1 - adif*adif));

cmd->sidemove = (cvar.strafe_sidemove->value)*(adif > 0 ? 1 : -1);
cmd->forwardmove = 0;

float angle;
float osin, ocos, nsin, ncos;

angle = cmd->viewangles.y * M_PI / 180.0f;
osin = sin(angle);
ocos = cos(angle);

angle = 2.0f * cmd->viewangles.y * M_PI / 180.0f - va_speed + dir;
nsin = sin(angle);
ncos = cos(angle);

cmd->forwardmove = cmd->sidemove * (osin * ncos - ocos * nsin);
cmd->sidemove *= osin * nsin + ocos * ncos;

float fs = 0;
if(atan2(cvar.strafe_angle->value / g_Local.fSpeed, 1.0f) >= abs(adif))
Vector vBodyDirection;

if(dir_value & 1)
vBodyDirection = g_Local.vForward;
vBodyDirection = g_Local.vRight;

vBodyDirection[2] = 0;
vBodyDirection = vBodyDirection.Normalize();

float vel = POW(vBodyDirection[0] * g_Local.ppmove->velocity[0]) + POW(vBodyDirection[1] * g_Local.ppmove->velocity[1]);

fs = sqrt(cvar.strafe_speed->value * 100000 / vel);

cmd->forwardmove += fs;

float sdmw = cmd->sidemove;
float fdmw = cmd->forwardmove;

case 1:
cmd->forwardmove = fdmw;
cmd->sidemove = sdmw;
case 2:
cmd->forwardmove = -sdmw;
cmd->sidemove = fdmw;
case 3:
cmd->forwardmove = -fdmw;
cmd->sidemove = -sdmw;
case 4:
cmd->forwardmove = sdmw;
cmd->sidemove = -fdmw;



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