CSGO: World To Screen flickering on EndScene
Hello, so recently i’ve been trying to fix multicore rendering with endscene drawing and I’ve seen the CRender matrix solution. I’ve tried applying it but my esp still goes all over the place. Here’s the code: const VMatrix& w2sMatrix = crender_interface->m_ViewStack.Top().m_matrixWorldToScreen; screen.x = w2sMatrix.m[0][0] * origin.x + w2sMatrix.m[0][1] * origin.y + w2sMatrix.m[0][2] * origin.z + w2sMatrix.m[0][3]; float w = w2sMatrix.m[3][0] * origin.x + w2sMatrix.m[3][1] * origin.y + w2sMatrix.m[3][2] * origin.z + w2sMatrix.m[3][3]; if (w < 0.001f) { screen.x *= 100000; screen.y *= 100000; return false; } screen.x /= w; screen.y /= w; return true; } return false; }; if (ScreenTransform()) { int w, h; ivengine_interface->GetScreenSize(w, h); screen.x = (w / 2.0f) + (screen.x * w) / 2.0f; return true; return false; How I get crender:
CRender class:
CViewSetup m_View; // matrices bool m_bIs2DView; class CRender }; //Size=0x00F4 |