CSGO: Backtrack Chams
I’m working on backtrack chams and currently doing this.
static auto fn = ModelRenderHook->GetOriginalFunction(21);
if (Settings::ESP::BacktrackIndicator && !Settings::ESP::AntiOBS) {
Vector oldOrigin = pInfo.origin;
for (int t = 0; t < Settings::Aimbot::BackTrackAmount; ++t)
if (localplayer->GetAlive())
if (headPositions[entity->GetIndex()][t].simtime && headPositions[entity->GetIndex()][t].simtime + 1 > localplayer->GetSimulationTime())
pInfo.origin = headPositions[entity->GetIndex()][t].vecOrigin;
fn(pModelRender, matctx, state, pInfo, (matrix3x4*)BoneMatrices[entity->GetIndex()][t]);
memset(&headPositions[0][0], 0, sizeof(headPositions));
memset(&BoneMatrices[0][0], 0, sizeof(BoneMatrices));
pInfo.origin = oldOrigin;
And it works fine but it’s very resource heavy especially with higher tick values, is there a more fps friendly way to do chams in general? I noticed polakware doesn’t lag nearly as badly rendering backtracked chams so I’m wondering what the best way to do it is.