CSGO: Lby resolver
im making a resolver without using anim layers cuz that shits confusing and i just wanna know what i could improve and change also im sure alot of this doesnt work and im open to being called a retard
if (pEntity->GetVelocity().Length() > .1)
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = pEntity->GetLowerBodyYaw();
MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] = pEntity->GetLowerBodyYaw();
StandYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] = pEntity->GetLowerBodyYaw();;
if (StandYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] != MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] && REAL[index] == 0)
smSame[pEntity->GetIndex()] = false;
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()];
if ((curTime_since_lby_update) >= 1.1 || simTime_since_lby_update >= 1.1f)
REAL[index] = pEntity->GetLowerBodyYaw();
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = pEntity->GetLowerBodyYaw();
if (!smSame[pEntity->GetIndex()] && REAL[index] > 0)
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = REAL[index];
else if (StandYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] == MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()])
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()];
else if (Globals::Shots >= 2)
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] + 90;
if (smSame[pEntity->GetIndex()] = false && Globals::Shots > 2)
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y += 90;
else if (!smSame[pEntity->GetIndex()])
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()];
if (Globals::Shots > 1)
pEntity->GetEyeAnglesXY()->y = MoveYaw[pEntity->GetIndex()] + 90.f;