Official site anti-cheat Ultra Core Protector

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Ultra Core Protector - is the client-server anti-cheat freeware, for server protection from unscrupulous players.

Abilities Supported games  
Condition Zero
Counter-Strike 1.6
Day of Defeat
Adrenaline Gamer
Team Fortress Classic
Counter-Strike Source
MU Online
Ragnarok Online
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Adrenaline Gamer 2
Team Fortress 2
CSGO: Offsets after Game Update 20.12.2017

using System;

public static class netvars
public const Int32 m_ArmorValue = 0xB238;
public const Int32 m_Collision = 0x318;
public const Int32 m_CollisionGroup = 0x470;
public const Int32 m_Local = 0x2FAC;
public const Int32 m_MoveType = 0x258;
public const Int32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x316C;
public const Int32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x3168;
public const Int32 m_aimPunchAngle = 0x301C;
public const Int32 m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x3028;
public const Int32 m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x3894;
public const Int32 m_bHasDefuser = 0xB248;
public const Int32 m_bHasHelmet = 0xB22C;
public const Int32 m_bInReload = 0x3245;
public const Int32 m_bIsDefusing = 0x3888;
public const Int32 m_bIsScoped = 0x387E;
public const Int32 m_bSpotted = 0x939;
public const Int32 m_bSpottedByMask = 0x97C;
public const Int32 m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x2698;
public const Int32 m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x32B0;
public const Int32 m_fFlags = 0x100;
public const Int32 m_flFallbackWear = 0x3178;
public const Int32 m_flFlashDuration = 0xA2F8;
public const Int32 m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0xA2F4;
public const Int32 m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 0x31D8;
public const Int32 m_hActiveWeapon = 0x2EE8;
public const Int32 m_hMyWeapons = 0x2DE8;
public const Int32 m_hObserverTarget = 0x3360;
public const Int32 m_hOwner = 0x29BC;
public const Int32 m_hOwnerEntity = 0x148;
public const Int32 m_iAccountID = 0x2FA8;
public const Int32 m_iClip1 = 0x3204;
public const Int32 m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x1A44;
public const Int32 m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x1B48;
public const Int32 m_iCrosshairId = 0xB2A4;
public const Int32 m_iEntityQuality = 0x2F8C;
public const Int32 m_iFOVStart = 0x31D8;
public const Int32 m_iGlowIndex = 0xA310;
public const Int32 m_iHealth = 0xFC;
public const Int32 m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x2F88;
public const Int32 m_iItemIDHigh = 0x2FA0;
public const Int32 m_iObserverMode = 0x334C;
public const Int32 m_iShotsFired = 0xA2B0;
public const Int32 m_iState = 0x31F8;
public const Int32 m_iTeamNum = 0xF0;
public const Int32 m_lifeState = 0x25B;
public const Int32 m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x3170;
public const Int32 m_nFallbackSeed = 0x3174;
public const Int32 m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x317C;
public const Int32 m_nForceBone = 0x267C;
public const Int32 m_nTickBase = 0x3404;
public const Int32 m_rgflCoordinateFrame = 0x440;
public const Int32 m_szCustomName = 0x301C;
public const Int32 m_szLastPlaceName = 0x3588;
public const Int32 m_vecOrigin = 0x134;
public const Int32 m_vecVelocity = 0x110;
public const Int32 m_vecViewOffset = 0x104;
public const Int32 m_viewPunchAngle = 0x3010;
public static class signatures
public const Int32 dwClientState = 0x57B7EC;
public const Int32 dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer = 0x180;
public const Int32 dwClientState_Map = 0x28C;
public const Int32 dwClientState_MapDirectory = 0x188;
public const Int32 dwClientState_MaxPlayer = 0x310;
public const Int32 dwClientState_PlayerInfo = 0x5240;
public const Int32 dwClientState_State = 0x108;
public const Int32 dwClientState_ViewAngles = 0x4D10;
public const Int32 dwClientState_IsHLTV = 0x4CC8;
public const Int32 dwEntityList = 0x4A78BA4;
public const Int32 dwForceAttack = 0x2EBAF64;
public const Int32 dwForceAttack2 = 0x2EBAF70;
public const Int32 dwForceBackward = 0x2EBAF4C;
public const Int32 dwForceForward = 0x2EBAF40;
public const Int32 dwForceJump = 0x4F0FE0C;
public const Int32 dwForceLeft = 0x2EBAF28;
public const Int32 dwForceRight = 0x2EBAF34;
public const Int32 dwGameDir = 0x619068;
public const Int32 dwGameRulesProxy = 0x4F7A154;
public const Int32 dwGetAllClasses = 0x4F7A224;
public const Int32 dwGlobalVars = 0x57B4F0;
public const Int32 dwGlowObjectManager = 0x4F959F0;
public const Int32 dwInput = 0x4EC3768;
public const Int32 dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x6DA8F4;
public const Int32 dwLocalPlayer = 0xA9BDDC;
public const Int32 dwMouseEnable = 0xAA1640;
public const Int32 dwMouseEnablePtr = 0xAA1610;
public const Int32 dwPlayerResource = 0x2EB92AC;
public const Int32 dwRadarBase = 0x4EAD89C;
public const Int32 dwSensitivity = 0xAA14DC;
public const Int32 dwSensitivityPtr = 0xAA14B0;
public const Int32 dwViewMatrix = 0x4A6A614;
public const Int32 dwWeaponTable = 0x4EC4364;
public const Int32 dwWeaponTableIndex = 0x31FC;
public const Int32 dwYawPtr = 0xAA12A0;
public const Int32 dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr = 0xAA6308;
public const Int32 dwbSendPackets = 0xCCD5A;
public const Int32 dwppDirect3DDevice9 = 0xA1F40;
public const Int32 dwSetClanTag = 0x869D0;
public const Int32 m_pStudioHdr = 0x293C;


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