BF2 Wallhack
- ASUS/XQZ Wallhack (Two optional choice of wallhack to see your enemies, guns and more behind walls and objects)
- NameTags (Names appear on players)
- Nametags Distance (Players names appear even if they are behind objects or walls)
- Enemy Mines (Shows where all enemy mines easily)
- Radar & Bridge Icons (Radar and Bridge icons appear on the maps)
- Health Bars (Health bars appear on top of all players)
- Kit Icons (Kit icons are visible easily)
- Minimap (Adds an improved minimap)
- 3d Map (Adds an improved 3D map)
- Aimbot (With smooth tracking to reduce detection)
- Shellshock Removal (Removes the shellshock effect)
- Flash Removal (Removes the flash effect)
- TVG Static Removal (Removes TVG Static)
- Weapon Chams (Chameleon skins for all weapons)
- ASUS/XQZ Wallhack (Two optional choice of wallhack to see your enemies, guns and more behind walls and objects)
- WhiteWalls (Turns all wall textures to white for easier visibility)
- Unauthorized Commands (Allows you to run unauthorized commands)
- Wireframe (Turns the world and players into wireframe view)
- Player Chams(Chameleon skins for all players)
- Mobile Object Chams(Chameleon skins for all mobile objects)
- Commander Asset Chams (Chameleon skins for commander assets)
- Mine Chams (Chameleon skins for mines)
- No Fog (Removes fog effect)
- No Water (Removes water)
- No Sky (Removes sky)
- No Scope (Removes scope)
- Force Commander (Force player to commander)
- Force Squad Leader (Force player to squad leader)
- Team Switch (Switch team)
- Unlimited Assets (Allows unlimited assets)
- Squad Jumping (Jump squad)
- Display Time (Display the time onscreen)
- Display FPS (Display the FPS onscreen)
- Download and unzip ‘BOA-PE-Final.dll’
- Inject with WInject
- Load up BF2
- Press the ‘Delete’ key to load or unload the menu
- Use arrow keys to navigate the menu
BOA-PE-Final is absolutely indescribable! An update of the BOA-PE Hack, (which we also reviewed), we were absolutely blown away at just how superior it is to its predeccesor.
In all the Wallhacks we’ve reviewed, never have we seen such a huge feature list, each one of astonishing quality. When it came to deciding on the top Wallhack for BF2, there was no competition to match the superiority of this Wallhack.
Although our original plan was to review every single feature of this Wallhack, after realising the review would be over 4 pages long, we decided the only way for you to see how truly awesome this Wallhack is, is for you to download it and see for yourself.
Truly a masterpiece, download it now and see what we’re talking about.